The steel door opens, revealing a pretty courtyard. Welcome in Seidenstraße 57. Those who climb the steps of the former factory building from 1924 soon find themselves in the light-filled office of oha communication. This is where stories and strategies arise for internationally renowned companies in design, technology and healthcare.
“We supported beautiful projects with C. Bechstein and code2design. High-tech and precision are in focus with Schott and the Poppe + Potthoff group. In addition, we are developing healthily with Heel and in medical technology, “Oliver Hahr is pleased to note. “We want to grow further and have therefore strengthened the team – in terms of expertise, as well as languages and cultural experience.”
Katharina Staszkow is now Account Executive. She previously worked in corporate communications at the satellite operator SES in Luxembourg and speaks five languages. The native Brazilian Christiane Laude supports oha communication in international projects with a focus on Latin America. Tanja Feil also strengthens the team as a professional writer in the fields of architecture, design and technology.
Brygida Meyer and Laura Neusser also regularly come to the industrial loft between Berliner Platz and the Russian Church. Both are studying PR and Communication Management at the Akademie der Media. As Student Trainees in Consulting and Public Relations at oha communication they combine theory with practice at an early stage to gain valuable experiences on their own way up.