bwcon-Workshop “An Entrepreneur’s Story”

Oliver Hahr from oha communication gives an introduction to PR for innovative Start-Ups

Stuttgart, May 26, 2010 – For many entrepreneurs it’s a challenge to make their services and accomplishments well known. Purposeful, understandable und continual communication is essential to win the trust of clients, investors und colleagues. At the workshop “An Entrepreneurs Story,”an economic intiative by Baden-Württemberg: Connected e.V. – bwcon, Oliver Hahr from the Stuttgart agency oha communication gave an introduction to PR work. In addition, individual communication approaches were developed with the participants.

As part of an economic initiative, ‘bwcon’ (Baden Württemberg: Connected) held the PR-Workshop “An Entrepreneur’s Story” at the Bosch-Areal in Stuttgart on May 19. “We’re very happy with the success of the seminar“, says Bernd Hertl, leader of the Communication and Events project team for bwcon. “In addition to the basics of PR, the individual needs of the participants were also taken into consideration. This was very well received by the entrepreneurs and staff of the innovative start-ups, which came from Mannheim, Karlsruhe, Ulm, Tübingen and Stuttgart for the seminar.”

“Economic success is closely linked with the communication of the company”, explains workshop leader Oliver Hahr. He currently  leads the consultancy and agency for international public relations oha communication, which he founded in 2007. “Especially for high tech start-ups, it’s often a challenge to formulate a clear and concise range of services. It’s therefore even more important to appropriately choose media and form messages that are relevant and attractive to target groups.”

The development of personal contacts delivers the most direct success. However, in addition to events and involvement in organizations, the use of social media platforms such as XING, LinkedIn or Facebook are the PR instruments of the moment. An official website is also imperative to promote the interests of the company and its services. Messages via Twitter, a newsletter and press information help gain the attention of new target groups and continue to keep them up to date.

bwcon-Workshop “An Entrepreneur’s Story” Oliver Hahr from oha communication gives an introduction to PR for innovative Start-Ups.
Source: oha communication.

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oha communication is a consultancy and agency for international public relations. The team supports companies in attracting the attention of selected target groups, in particular in the fields of design, technology and healthcare. The services include profile development, strategic and country-specific PR advisory as well as the coordination and implementation of PR activities. oha communication was founded in 2007 by Oliver Frederik Hahr and is headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany.
For more information about oha communication, visit