Precise Testing of Plastic Components

At Fakuma, Poppe + Potthoff Maschinenbau will present new burst pressure test stands for up to 400 bar with precise pressure control in a tolerance of +/- 0.1 bar and test equipment capability over the entire pressure range

Nordhausen (Germany), August 18, 2018 - From the 17th to the 21st of October 2017, the plastics processing industry will be meeting at the Fakuma in Friedrichshafen (Germany). At stand FO-02, Poppe + Potthoff Maschinenbau will be presenting its latest test equipment for plastic components to 40,000 visitors from 35 nations. A new fine pressure control method allows to test components such as AdBlue tanks, brake fluid containers, hose lines or suction modules very precisely.

To verify the quality of media-carrying components, the parts are pressurized until they burst. The process is precisely measured and documented in order to optimally design the components for specific applications – the burst pressure is determined in part by 100,000 measured values per second. At Poppe + Potthoff Maschinenbau, the pressure build-up is achieved with a technology that is faster, more precise and less maintenance than conventional systems.

Patented fine-tuning process

Two test circuits with different operating modes are available for the burst pressure test. A specially developed, wear-free fine-control process with a tolerance of +/- 0.1 bar allows a very precise, freely programmable and repeatable pressure increase up to 50 bar. In the other test circuit, a pneumatically driven pressure transducer operates, with which a pressure of up to 400 bar can be generated. The test medium is normal water or test oil.

The test stand is an autarchic-working system. It has been specially developed for the plastics industry. The test specimens can be adapted in an uncomplicated manner via quick-couplings. A quick-change device is also possible so that the test piece can be installed manually outside of the test chamber. Optionally, a hand scanner allows the identification of the components to individually assign the bursting pressures to each component.

Flexible software structure

The programmable logic controller (PLC) has a serial interface for data exchange. The test requirements are entered via the touch panel, and LabVIEW applications from National Instruments are used for data collection and visualization. The open software structure makes it possible to integrate additional sensors and data during the test, for example to measure the material stretching. This allows all customer-specific parameters to be displayed.

Photo 1: The burst pressure test stand for plastic components from Poppe + Potthoff Maschinenbau enables a high-precision and fast component test. Source: Poppe + Potthoff

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Poppe + Potthoff Maschinenbau GmbH designs and manufactures test stands for measuring the strength and durability of components in automotive engineering and shipbuilding as well as other industries. The precise and high-performant special machines by the specialist for high-pressure and test technology are used in research, development and production. This includes test stands for measuring bursting pressure and tightness, impulse testing, autofrettage as well as automated testing. In addition, comprehensive component tests are offered as a service. The company based in Nordhausen (Germany) is a member of the Poppe + Potthoff Group.

Poppe + Potthoff stands for precision. The group develops and manufactures customer-specific steel tubes, common rail subsystems, high pressure tubes, precision components, line shafts, couplings as well as specialized test stands and other machines. Poppe + Potthoff enables highly sophisticated solutions in automotive engineering and shipbuilding, machine tool building and mechanical engineering as well as other industries. The family-owned enterprise with its headquarters and technology center in Werther (Germany) was founded in 1928 and has more than 1,500 employees. Poppe + Potthoff is active in more than 50 countries with its subsidiaries and long-term partners – always in close contact with its customers.